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Gunnabuda is a good place for celebrating special occasions - or to just have a dinner with your family or good friends.
On the menu we to a great extent have dishes based on local ingredients - but we also take inspiration from tastes from all over the world.

If you want to dine here, please book in advance - we can serve dinner to all guests who are spending the night here + for any other group of at least 4 persons.

For the big occasion we will particularly recommend our buffets:

  • soup buffet e.g. with Gunnabuda's fish soup - a good alternative for lunch or after outdoor activities
  • lunch buffet with different varm & cold dishes + good salads
  • shellfish buffet - especially in the fall - with crabs, shrimps, and crayfish
  • Gunnabuda's specialties: our delicious paella & bacalao 
  • combination buffets with meat and fish dishes - and vegetarian if you like - we are flexible, so just bring us your wishes!

We can serve you dinner in two very special rooms:

Our Pub Ullasund on the ground floor is ideal for the smaller occasions, up to 50 persons.

Båtsalen ("The boat hall") on the 1st floor is excellent for the larger occasions, from 40-120 persons. There is also plenty of room for dancing & for a band to play here.

Lokal menu
(Foto: Anderson / variations.no)

Paella buffet


Shellfish buffet




Dancing in Båtsalen


Pub Ullasund




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